
Early Childhood

We offer excellent and varied programs designed to meet the needs of your family. Our classrooms are intended for children to grow and learn in a safe, creative, and caring environment. We are staffed with qualified and dedicated teachers selected for their love of children and the Lord as well as their commitment to providing educational opportunities that support the best principles of early childhood development.

It is our goal to offer a variety of enriched activities for the cognitive, social, physical, creative, emotional, and spiritual development of children. We feel this is best accomplished through a close relationship with you. We consider it a privilege to serve your family and look forward to making a positive difference in your child’s life.

Our Early Childhood Education Center is licensed by the Ohio Department of Education and meets or exceeds their expectations and compliance standards. We are open from 7:00 AM to 5:30 PM, Monday through Friday, year round.

We will be glad to schedule a tour of our facility and discuss our program.

Early Childhood Department

Our motto at Troy Christian is the heart of education is the education of the heart. The administration and staff at our early childhood education center are honored to partner with your family in the educational, spiritual, and social-emotional development of your child.

Early Childhood Principal - LeeAnn Lechnir

Email LeeAnn Lechnir at

Educational Development

Troy Christian’s Early Childhood Education Center provides a comprehensive curriculum that is founded upon Ohio’s Early Learning and Development Standards. 

“On October 9, 2012, the State Board of Education adopted Ohio’s Early Learning and Development Standards in all domains of school readiness to reflect the comprehensive development of children beginning at birth to kindergarten entry

Troy Christian Early Childhood Education Center curriculum also includes Art, Dramatic Play and Music.

These Birth Through Kindergarten Entry Learning and Development Standards describe key concepts and skills that young children develop during the birth-to-five-year period.

Their purpose is to support the development and well-being of young children and to foster their learning.

List of 5 items.

  • Approaches Toward Learning

  • Physical Development

  • Social-Emotional Development

  • Cognitive Development -

    Mathematics, Science, Social Studies
  • Language and Literature -

    includes Handwriting, Phonics and Reading

Spiritual Development

Troy Christian’s Early Childhood Education Center is a faith based center that incorporates spiritual development in the form of Bible lessons, prayer, worship and character qualities outlined by our R2G2- Respect, Responsibility, Gratitude and Genuineness school wide emphasis. Giving of oneself through service projects extends even to our youngest students.

Social and Emotional Development

Conscious Discipline Curriculum is the foundation of our behavior management and our social/emotional instruction for students. It instructs teachers to model what is expected for relationships with one another.  It helps the children understand and identify their emotions and teaches skills for self-regulation.
Quality Early Childhood Education is Part of Every Program We Offer.